I want to believe they'll get it right.
I want to believe they'll get it right.
Je ne regrette rien!
psst… That person is right…
Madame Sinise is cute in a mid-nineties sitcom mom kind of way: http://www.imdb.com/media/r…
"I've been a fan of Unconscious Coupling for decades!" — Bill Cosby
My husband and I like to make up elaborate, ridiculous backstories for Hotch since he's such an unsmiling robot on the show. We get great laughs watching CM. May the spin-off continue to provide unintended comedy opportunities for however long until it's cancelled!
It's happening again…
Allow me to join the Shitty Taste in Children's Literature Club. I had probably fifty of these damn books (including most of the Mystery series). I didn't catch on until much too late that the character descriptions were always the same (Claudia and her almond-shaped eyes, etc…).
I have a working theory that a person cannot watch Twin Peaks without falling in love with Agent Cooper.
Woman in Black 2: Electric Blackaloo
And by "data" you mean "cut foreskins"?
Hey! Don't throw shade on Joe Montegna's smoldering sex god status!
He's a lumberjack, and he's okay. He kills all night, and he works all day!
Well, you can blame the Patriarchy for the snub… and ALL snubs!
That restaurant date sketch makes me giggle just thinking about it. Probably my second favorite after "Rapper with a Baby." That one nearly killed me when I saw it the first time.
Thirty lashes for that one, Jay!
Hollywood, make this and take my money!
I give the creator cool points for using the song "Not The Doctor" (bouncy little guitar thing at the end). I haven't thought about that song since the late 1990's.
I can never forget the prostitutes!
Quick! Somebody administer the Turing Test!