
I agree , I had read several books that made use of that statistic . Usually to explain why German infantry seemed to perform better than Allied infantry .
Why they were is now accepted as due to training ' Mission-type tactics (German: Auftragstaktik, from Auftrag and Taktik; also known as mission command in the

Yes we have , lots of them , all covered with a blue substance . …not sure what that red stuff was .

So what happened to the air-conditioner death scene ? Did I miss it somehow ?
My favourite David Thewlis picture , back when he had good teeth !

I honestly do not understand why I continue to watch this show. We had eight episodes where nothing happened , we are going to start season 8 at the same point we were at on the start of season 7 . Enough said , everybody please Google ' jump the shark '.

The pilot told Broussard's group that her group had a RAP . So why would the questions not start .
What are the RAPs , animal/vegetable/mineral ? What do they want ? What is the Factory ? Where did they come from ? The RAP that turned is a part of what exactly ? And about a hundred more !!!!

It's a stream of consciousness post , " Quinn is getting shot every other week", that's what I was thinking at the time as well .

I don't know where all this is going , I have to think ( if we are going to have another season ) the big reveal has to be the where or the when . Maybe both !

It is in Canada ; ( the rule below is for civil annulment )
"If your marriage cannot be consummated, then you can get an annulment. Note that this means that there is a physical inability to consummate the marriage, not that there was a voluntary choice not to consummate the marriage. Additionally, if you knew at the

Actually the law is ;
consummation …the action of making a marriage or relationship complete by having sexual intercourse….

" As I thought, that entire DEA plot was a set-up to take Romero out of the picture, for now "

“Do you want to sell sugar water for the rest of your life, or do you want to come with me and change the world?” What Steve Jobs said to Pepsi executive John Sculley to lure him to Apple."