Lou Lou

You don't find it gratuitous? You don't find booty shorts so short they're actually going up her butt crack (and have been digitally altered to appear even shorter) gratuitous? You don't find the cage scene and the club bump and grind gratuitous? You don't find her striping down to her underwear in public to be leered

Hancock never felt much like it was mocking superheroes or even trying to subvert the frivolity of the popular ones of the time, but watching it now it does almost feel like its riffing off the idea of superhero fatigue. Superhero movies are still popular, but the weariness with the bad ones is high enough that the

Oh have you seen it already? Are you allowed to say if you liked it? It looks gorgeous!

Will this be AS racist or MORE racist than the trailer makes it seem I wonder.

Hancock is so underrated. I feel like it was too ahead of its time. Release that movie now, I'm sure a subversive story about a jaded guy with superpowers who doesn't want this superhero stuff would go down a treat.

I've always had a lot of respect for Theron for making those choices so early in her career. To be able to see what's being done to you at such a young age, at a time no one was really talking about that stuff, and making the choice to move away from that image even when she didn't have a lot of power in the industry.

If this were a broad discussion about the way women are portrayed in cinema I would be so completely with you, but this incessant babying of Margot Robbie in particular has really got to stop. I'm tied of seeing people acting like she's a poor innocent, helpless little flower being shifted from set to set on pain of

She's so good at grunging down for roles.

Everything in movies is real, except the jumping. They still can't seem to get the jumping down irl.