Tyler Gauthier

More people die from being fat and lazy than running. I'd rather take the risk of injury running than lose my feet to diabetes after living my adult life looking and feeling like a pile of sh*t.

I always found that totally perplexing. The 90s were brutal for that. How stupid were people? Bands like Nirvana and Pearl Jam got off their indie labels, signed with majors, made big videos (Peal Jam's lone video for Jeremy was huge), did big tours, interviews etc. made a TON of money and then complained about how

Lots of people trashing Wonderwall on here. I'm not too good for Wonderwall. It's great. It's got simple, singable lyrics and melody. It's also subtly innovative. The melody and chord progressions aren't a dead cop of anything (like Cigarettes and Alcohol), the beat is like a 90s trip hop thing, the drums come in

Noel Gallagher is the balls because a) he doesn't play the game and b) he could not care less about what I, you or anyone else thinks of him or his music. He does what he does because he loves it. Fortunately for him so do a lot of others. When I think of all these older artists who desperately try to cling to fame