Warren G. Harding

Or noticing the Ayn Rand bookshelf right AFTER sex…

I went on two dates through that network, not realizing it was a network that had non-Onion users, and hence was really confused when my Smoove B. and Jean Teasdale references were flying right over these guys heads. I think I actually got one each from Nerve and Salon. (To show that time has passed, one of the guys

YES! The "surprised eyes lady" from the old Onion personals ad. (I cancelled my account after being afraid my actual profile photo might show up there.)

I binged the whole series, and advise younger viewers who may not be as familiar with '90s tropes/references to at a minimum speed-watch the ending of The Big Chill and The Game (David Fincher's movie, not the rapper), view the trailer for The Hand that Rocks the Cradle (just the trailer—NO ONE needs to watch that

I know! She is not just Ruth Buzzi standing there! (Also, it's a dry sense of humor)

She was Roger Sterling's hooker in Mad men, making a full circle when Slats showed up in First Day of Camp

At this point why doesn't he just install a speaker coming from his mouth that plays Yello "Oh Yeah" on a loop?

I bet they get different commercials up in Santa Fe, so PantsGoblin doesn't even know that he can Push it! Pull it! Tug it! Tow it! and that That's his down payment!

There is a new promo for the D'Angelo Untitled (How Does It Feel) video?!?

She's trying to sell you some "flavored waters" all right, if the waters are flavored like Pepsi-Cola.

But the fact that a DJ could seamlessly segue from Return of Slick (Cool like Dat) to US3 Cantaloop isn't exactly a compliment (to either song, actually).

The bulk of my critique of Digable Planets is that I can see a DJ seamlessly seguing from Rebirth of Slick (Cool Like Dat) to US3 Cantaloop. This is not a compliment to Digable Planets.

Word up.

I couldn't take Digable Planets back in the day, but I haven't heard any Shabazz Palaces I've hated yet.

Whew, thanks for the warning.

now THAT'S a complaint!

She's probably thinking of the mannequin scene in Killer's Kiss.

Is she one of The Florida Relatives?

God damn it, I read the headline as "Edgar Winter," then spent a full 15 seconds squinting at the photo and wondering why everyone in it had colored hair.