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    Or, you know, eating the number of calories humans were meant to eat.

    Super late to the party, but I finally started Capital in the 21st Century by Thomas Pikitty. Beyond all the hype, it seems to be a very well-researched and organized piece on global inequality. Having a background in economics, I'm really grateful he doesn't dumb it down for a wider audience. You can tell this was

    How about Novak Djokovic?

    Double the Suns = double the aging.

    I want to see a prestige drama centered on one Lieutenant Ackbar, which addresses PTSD and the legitimacy of terrorism in asymmetric warfare. How did he become such an expert on traps anyway?

    Well, they did do a pretty good job with that pilot for The Last Man on Earth.

    Ugh, no one wants to see a re-cast Han. If you're gonna make these Anthology cash-ins, just make the damn Ewan McGregor Obi-Wan movie already!!

    Maybe. I think metacritic puts a C in as 50%

    I'm not sure I understand, but I don't think I'm meant to.

    I've seen y'all reference his supposed harsh grading a few times now. This is just a joke, right? According to metacritic, based off 250-somewhat reviews, he actually grades "5.5 points higher than other critics." http://www.metacritic.com/c…