
I suppose the question is which students do you side with? I don't think all of the students were on the 'right side of history' in 1962 when James Meredith tried to go the University of Mississippi.

I prefer it when people in zombies stories aren't aware that zombies are these big occult figures in fiction. If you're making a bit of a cheesy zombie horror film then fine. If you're going with 'these people are infected' then calling them zombies raises the question 'are they zombies'?

I've not seen the documentary Grey Gardens but I've seen quite a few in a similar style. I think even had I not seen such films it would still stand up on the strength of the characters it creates as well as the atmosphere it nails very well. Parody should still have good jokes and good film making.

I don't actually think the coffee spill was a plot contrivance so much as it was just a really poorly done transition. It was unnecessary as far as the plot goes and rather than answering the question 'why did no one see her go into the underground bunker' it instead raised the question 'why didn't the system flag

"We both know there's nothing more dangerous than a Welshman who had nothing to lose"… all fear the bad boys of the British Isles! The Welsh! Nearly as feared as the mad Bastards of Canada or the loose cannons of Minnesota. Their gentle nature and sing-song accent is just a cover up for the darkness they hide.

I think there is more to be learnt from the crappier action films. Take note Marvel. There needs to be legitimate peril, conflict and motivation for me to even begin caring about your 20 minute action sequence. A superhuman fighting 'angry man who wants destroy the world for no reason' is not thrilling especially when

I could see suicides being prevented easily by constant monitoring. I don't see depression being reduced in what is essentially a concentration camp.

It's really not that difficult to come up with a bit of a better lie - such as, we'll be able to leave Wayward Pines soon after we've finished building the fix-everything-machine. Obviously only the experts would work on it and the town's people would just focus on re-building the population. At this point I don't

Well seeing as Fuller is used to shows being cancelled hopefully he will have written season 3 to come to a more fitting conclusion.

I think more than anything it's just a sign of solidarity. I imagine most people with depression or anxiety have an idea in the back of their heads that other people are going through it, but there is still a bit of a feeling like 'this is just how it has to be for me', but you're not the only one and other people

Unskippable adverts is complete bullshit. Let me guess, I have to watch it every time I start watching a show or film again and the adverts will be in much better quality than the actual content (especially the sound) and I'll probably have my crappy computer choke and freeze because the adverts HAVE to be in full HD.