Sean Brady

Thank you, so am I. Although I'm not fact checking the animated movie, just your comment on it. In the face of ignorance on drugs, I'm here to give knowledge. Ignorance is what has stemmed the baseless and unbelievably worthless war on drugs in America and elsewhere.

As much as it may be a funny plot point, it's highly unlikely you'd believe you're able interact with food after taking phencyclidine (which is not a component of "bath salts") or any drugs labeled as bath salts.

"Bath salts" are not the same drugs sold as "K2" or "Spice". The latter are synthetic cannabinoids, not cathinones or other stimulants/euphoriants. The term bath salts is not just an all encompassing media term for these unregulated, quasi-legal stimulants, it stems from the term used in order to sell these drugs