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    So are we all good with kinslaying now? Last episode, we saw Clan Martell get ripped apart by the Sand Snakes (RIP, horrid Dorne plotline, you were a waste of good talent…) and this week we see Ramsay of House Bolton kill his father, stepmother, half-brother, all while standing in the seat of the North (Winterfell),

    I just watched this episode.

    You just know the fact that Petry utters this line means someone, somewhere out there will think he had something to do with THAT death as well.

    I like to think of this episode as the one that gets back to my favorite game of 24: "Who's the Biggest Jack-Defying Asshole?" This show let us meet some of the all-star contestants.

    Is he Middle-Eastern, though? Simone does talk to him in Hindi/Urdu when she seems him… or so I thought.

    Oh, that ending monologue (?) from Peter Dinklage. Such a delight. Such a delight.