Sue Donym

aaaaaaa how do I see this legally

my popplio is named klaus nomi haha

these things are all true but none of them will change the trends of the market

shouts out to Rockmill Brewing and especially Little Fish Brewing in Ohio

I got three years going back of Lovechild in my closet. will probably do a vertical next year.

yeah sours are the new thing
saisons I don't think make as much of a statement so they won't get the same level of pop culture prominence….although barrel aged farmhouses are insane when you wanna start dropping $20-40 a 750

ayyyy my boys at Boulevard (deservingly) getting the shoutout
I lived in Kansas City, MO for like 18 months so I'm legally obligated to shill for Boulevard until I die

I think their Lower De Boom barleywine is okay but I'm a sucker for barleywines and, admittedly, only tried it because it was a 12% beer in cute little Red Bull cans.

EVERYBODY had a gose this summer. Maybe it's a regional thing. Rhinegeist's Peach Dodo, an especially harsh, saline experience was everywhere.

My store still has four fucking cases of 2015 Pumking bombers left.

I *think* so, the bottle looks familiar but I don't actually keep track of these things.

It's gonna be sour profile beers. Goses, berliner weisses, wild ales (maybe even some wild IPAs), truly spontaneously fermented beer for those who can palette and afford them.

Miller High Life is legit for a shitty macro, I lived on that stuff when I was 20 and my of-age friends were too unreliable to be given a detailed shopping list.

I've been saying for 2 years now that if the IPA bubble bursts - if it ever bursts - the next major trend is going to be sour beers; beers with a sour profile, at least, not necessarily wildly fermented beers. Judging by the seeming overnight mainstream explosion in goses this summer, I'd say that is in fact the

I hate you for reminding me that O'Dell's exists.

I've had some legitimately bad IPAs. I hated Ei8ht Ball's Prodigal, though I've liked some of their other beers. Goose Island's standard IPA is terrible. Sam Adams' Latitude 42, their first IPA to hit wide market (I think) was undrinkable when it first came out (it's possible it's been improved since, but I haven't

Do one of these for sours (true sours, lambics, wild ales, etc) please !

"Nintendo Versatile"

Not to be "that guy," and someone has probably already mentioned this, but calling Shadows of the Damned Suda and Mikami's "sole collaborative effort" is a MASSIVE oversight. Mikami co-wrote Killer7, and also played an informal producer role.