
Goffman's boner for Katrina is what'll kill this show. It reminds me of some of the more horrendous seasons of Smallville in which the showrunners were creepily obsessed with Lana Lang actress, Kristin Kreuk, mostly to the detriment of the character and anyone who came into contact with her.

I'm hoping she's bigger than Moloch (mostly because Moloch was kind of useless). Like Lilith or something. Maybe they could be super-obvious and make her the physical embodiment of the Whore of Babylon, which fits in with their prophecy hooha and the fact that she seems to be everyone's favourite for birthing

Katrina is clearly the Big Bad. That's the only thing that might - and I say this with little conviction - MIGHT - salvage all of this nonsense. If she's been purposefully downplaying her powers, playing thoroughly useless damsel in distress, being a general nuisance in order to mess up Team Witness and their key

Sigh, so bizarre. They've had plenty opportunities to make her interesting and have failed almost entirely thus far. Perhaps that'll change in the next half. But I honestly don't care, I just want Abbie to get a discernible and well-written arc because so far it's been Crane Family Nonsense ad nauseum.

Did the show get new writers or something? Inquiring minds would like to know. Because it's hard for me to understand how a show that started off with one of the most diverse, predominantly POC casts on television, with an admittedly hokey premise full of so much potential could become so utterly bland within the

Well, well. This is the worst sophomore slump since Heroes for me (and there are not enough words to express my hatred of everything beyond the first 18 episodes of Heroes). I hope the writers are really taking into account the fan response to this season because they've lost the damn plot and everything that made it

Finn's story reminds me a lot of the stories we hear of soldiers/guards using heinous acts of violence and torture on prisoners in places like Abu Ghraib. Many of those soldiers aren't inherently evil, some of them might've been your average normal kid from some Middle American town, but thrust in that situation, in a

Hahaha, my bad my bad - it's the Clarke Kent imprinted on my very soul's fault (I should be happy I'm not a Batman fan because he likely has truly crap puns). Her story will hit sonic boom levels of awesome - I tried.

Abby slapping Raven, what was that about? Ugh. As for Finn and Murphy, the show would do better to kill them and give that screen time to more interesting characters. Well, ta the very least Murphy.

This show is going to be an endless disappointment for you if you're holding out for that.

Weirdly, this was one of the best episodes of the season to me. Not only did it give me Harrison-Joe brilliance but I actually really love how the show is grounding the Barry-Iris-Flash relationship and Iris' arc (which by that Reverse Flash cameo, is just getting started). Even though Barry needs to get his sh*t

Yep, she's not a problem at all. The commentary on her is consistently weak and the response from fandom consistently predictable. I'm hoping whatshisface Amell from Arrow possibly spoiling that she finds out around episode 7 was true because I think once she knows, the story can really take flight.

Iris and Laurel have similar facial features? In what universe? How does she sound the same?

I've never had a show so consistently delight me that didn't involve magic or supernaturals or science fiction (funnily enough, the other show that is delighting me almost as much is also on the CW and does contain science fiction elements - The 100). I'm team Jane - she could pick a fantastical dinosaur and I'd be

Personally, I think/hope she's an Amy Elliot Dunne type and it would be my favourite thing. She's got all these people running around to 'save' her and she's the one who killed Lila, her (probably) girlfriend, perhaps they had a lover's spat. That's the only thing that will save the storyline for me - if she's

His behaviour in that episode relied on some pretty biphobic/bi-erasure assumptions just in a different way to Michaela in my opinion.

Connor's seduction technique: *unleash crazy eyes*

His voice sounds so lovely when he speaks Portuguese, which I guess he grew up speaking with his mother. I wish the show had just let the character be Brazillian or else British.

Really, they could've spent Michaela's episode dealing with this black bourgeois life that she's tried to craft for herself instead of Connor's perpetually sneering (biphobic) self and it would've made for a more compelling character build-up. I couldn't focus much throughout this episode so I might watch it again to

Yeah — I think i read somewhere that the show would bring some diversity in terms of sexuality at some point and I also would like to see Jasper/Monty be a thing - they're already so co-dependent. But Raven/Clarke would be my ideal 'ship' and it would be such an exciting thing to have a teen show explore female