
My name is Jonas, Internet

I got a Community notification for this?

You seem to have forgotten the messager who got the knife in the back of the neck.

I got an Attack of the Show alert for this?

Clearly you don't remember "Remember Me". My wife and I looked at each other and almost simultaneously said "Let's get out of here" as the camera panned out of Pattinson and revealed he was in the twin towers.

Dang it I though I had taken this in the cancellation league. I mean NBC, spin off, terrible genre… I would have 50 early points!

It's my first time and I hope I'm not too late.

I really thought tonight was going to be absolutely heartbreaking. I can't remember anyone doing well while cooking coq au vin and I thought Doug's idea to cook the liver whole was misguided from the start. So from jump street I held my breath as my two favorites took big plunges. Half of them made it through though

He did vote though. If you watched his apology (you won't) he said he didn't mean to be flip about it but he also didn't realize that people (like you) wouldn't realize that a comedian was making a joke.