Patrick Donnelly

I heard a couple lawyers on a podcast speculate that they probably split the $400K from his settlement. Even that would be a loss, though it might have raised their profile enough to count as advertising in a sense.

Absolutely. I would bet that in terms of billable hours, those guys probably went above and beyond what they charged him. It seemed like more of a crusade for them than a typical case. Then again, I fully admit we're seeing only what the filmmakers are showing us. Still, you'd have to think that given what their

I thought it really illustrated the fact that in most TV news organizations, the only journalists are the reporters who actually leave the newsroom to engage with their stories. The anchors are generally stuffed shirts and bimbos whose sole purpose is to read the news and approximate the relevant human emotions

Yes and no. The Averys weren't POC, but in a region of the country that's virtually absent of racial minorities (e.g. anywhere in Wisconsin north of Milwaukee) the shit's gotta roll downhill onto someone, and that's usually the poor "white trash" on the fringes of society. The Averys may have been white and business