
That explanation seems a bit odd to me. Since he obviously has to wake up out of the coma for the next episode and it would be so subtle that pretty much everyone would miss it. So I don't think that is it.

Yeah because it didn't make any freaking sense to have a dream in 1 nano-second.

Yeah I agree with the halloween being ok, it had it's moments. I heard about Intro to knots and the tracking shot yeah. That could've made the episode better. Plus Pierce doing it would've probably been funnier. As it is though I thought it was bad. Thetime line was something that somehow could've really happened if

To be honest I thought their episodes weren't very good either.

I think they did sprinkle some 'Jeff is broken' things through out the season: in the first episode he says he wants to kill himself, you see him pretty depressed in the episode where he drinks with Duncan, and he's been a bit more of a downer. But perhaps they could have showed it a bit more clearly, I agree.

It was to show Jeff as a kid, plus make funny commercials, which could also show how Jeff in his subconscious thinks he betrayed his dreams of when he was young.

Yeah, besides, wtf hell, she's obviously political passionate, besides a buzzkill, and a f*ck-up. The only reason she wouldn't vote is because she doesn't believe in the voting system, and she wouldn't be ashamed of it, that is some way to f*ck up a character.

I think the documentary episode in S4 was the first one I was really starting to lose hope. That episode is so obviously worse than the previous documentary episodes, so inconsistent in style, such a bad storyline, such a unfunny Pierce, bleeehh. I also didn't like Intro to Knots (Where are the jokes? Look a cat, how

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