El Eternauta

Absolutely, I agree that metal has a problem - the more right-leaning tendencies so present in certain areas of the scene have always troubled me. On the other hand, I think that the newer generations of bands (and of fans) are looking more and more inclusive: female representation appears to be on the rise, and the

Hey, Araya's comments are horrible, especially that fucking awful Pence joke. As a longtime Slayer fan, that shit hurts, even though nobody's ever mistaken Tom for the deepest of thinkers. At the same time, I can't help but think that many of the comments on this thread are pretty shitty, too. "Most metalheads are

Saw them back in April at TIlburg's Roadburn Festival, where they played two shows for their 30th Anniversary. At the end of the first set, they started ripping into Through Silver In Blood with such blinding, apocalyptic ferocity, I genuinely thought the venue was going to collapse, Temple of Doom-style. The song