
There's "but I have a gay friend" and "but this guy actually got off his ass and went out to rally against/make a mockery of rampant homophobia right to the source so yeah, i'd say he's all right".

Hawkins participated in the Hot Buns video and the Westboro counter-protest, and part of being a member of Foo Fighters according to Dave is being supportive of GLBT rights - "it was important to Nirvana, it's important to us, it's important to me". I highly doubt that telling a story about something that another guy

He was repeating something stupid he'd heard that related to the topic. So retelling an anecdote has to mean you completely agree with someone else's actions?

If he's what you'd consider to be "mediocre", I wouldn't trust your tastes anyway. He is a vibrant, solid drummer. Sit.