
Elie Wiesel was one of Madoff's victims (so, to your point, LOL); several victims had no idea they were involved with Madoff (ie. those w pension plans); many people lost their life's savings; and in the book on which this story is based the author recounts more than one person who committed suicide as a result of the

I wish I had something more substantial to say. I love this show! It makes me so happy. It's so earnest and endearing and lovely. I am so happy it exists and is back. And daaaaamn will 😍😍

Wow, this show is bad. Like across the board bad. The writing is unfunny (and bad. You know how so often characters who write stories only write ones that are like half-assed versions of their lives? They seriously did the same thing here, but with the news???) The plot is tired (and bad). The main actress is

I was going to say exactly this. 100% of the dialogue from Amy and Jonah tonight might as well have come from a Will They Won't They script generator. It was so awkwardly put into the rest of the episode that, as someone who was initially meh about Jonah and Amy, is now firmly "ick" about the whole thing.

THANK YOU for calling Baldwin's impression mediocre. I have felt this way forever. It's almost impossible to parodize Trump because there's nothing legitimate about him. Also, Baldwin is just… not very likable. The role doesn't do him any favors.

To be fair, while I agree that Jimmy Fallon is the worst, leveraging political comedy for ratings is kind of… like, SNL-ian. Any article about Seth Meyers or Stephen Colbert's newfound success relates to their use of politics, even though (especially in Colbert's case) they have reason to be there more than Fallon

(It is kinda hard to be an apologist) but his past 2 albums were so against the grain of what he had established that I can't be mad at his establishing a pop credo. I will say a majority of songs resist the easy pop Love on the Weekend presents, although compared to Born & Raised and Paradise Valley def more pop. But

I wish it weren't cool to dislike John Mayer! I love John Mayer sincerely and think this album is just great. "Helpless" is one of my favorite guitar songs of his since his older stuff, "Emoji" is a stupid name but gentle & sweet, and the album is a mix of his old pop and his new… God, "bluegrass"? I have no admitted

Yikes I wrote more than I thought

I am a long-time reader of The AV Club and a very, very infrequent commenter (because I've never felt like I had anything of value to add to the conversation that I couldn't just add in a series of dramatic caps-locky expletive tweets) but as a huge huge huge huge romantic comedy freak and fan/former diehard fan of

Ooooooo I like this idea



(I feel like a lot of this doesn't make sense, but I don't edit my AV Club comments cuz I'm ~~~lazy as hell~~~)

I am often in a state of disbelief with this show but let me see how I can do with your questions!:
1) Lives in Florida
2) Probably a long time, but then again, Mindy was sleeping when he came across her so it could have been in the middle of the night (meaning that as for #3, there's almost an unlimited amount of time


It was only given a C because the woman who reviewed it, Sonia, is a super-feminist and always reviews things on how they fit a feminist standard. Because Pygmalion is about a "silly woman needing a man's assistance to better herself," the Pilot had to work from that (to be later branched off into what it is now,

annalise and wes are SO related. what appears sexual is really familial; both are surprisingly intimate for the relationship they should be having with each other. (also the fact that he was a waitlist student and nepotism is sweet!!)

Oh, I know. It bums me out so much.

On special occasions, please do "worst," too!! I'll never forgive the pink outfit from Danny and Mindy.