
Fireproof Danny wasn't a one-time thing. Remember when she burned up that long-house of Dothraki warriers?


As a 48-year old dude, I know I'm not really the Toast's target market, but I would have read the HELL out of "Dad Magazine."

And he'll still be a ginger.

Nice kid. Next time "dad" wants you to get a "real job," you should lay a little J.C. on him:

He could have been done years ago if he had really committed to that Lincoln role.

Thanks AV Club. I read the Houston Chronicle's version of this story. They are so afraid of offending anyone I couldn't tell which side to hate.

You're thinking of pigeons. Crows are among the smartest birds on earth.

What bothers me most about that picture is that he clearly had an assistant go out and buy a brand new pair of hiking boots for the photo shoot.

"We'll Sarah, in fairness, we're trying to get that information out of you right now." Priceless.

Love their version of the mail song:

I hope it has subtitles. I couldn't understand a word of that dialog.

Hey, are you the Evillincoln who posts over on Fark?

I think it's sweet. That'll do, doggie. That'll do.

I don't recall the joke, but if it was good enough to provoke that kind of reaction it was probably worth it! I wondered if you would get dinged for posting those email addresses or for generally inciting a riot (not that that was your intent or the result, but people get touchy about their contact information).

Probably. I guess from my perspective it's just less fun to crack wise if I think the artists are actually sitting in front of a screen somewhere taking it hard. I'm pretty square myself, and none of the fun at KC came from thinking that poor old Tom Batuik might re-examine his life choices because of something I

Aw, that's a bummer Aldo. Gotta admit that the present kerfuffle has taken some of the fun out of it for me. I can probably find some way to crack myself up without hurting Mike Manley's feelings.

Well, usually, they're simply morality tales. There's a good boxer, and a bad boxer whom he confronts at the end. In between, the good boxer has a love interest or a child he has to protect. Maybe the good boxer is a backwoods type, or a convict. And sometimes, instead of a waif, you'll have the boxer protecting an

Wow. Chills after reading his what his daughter said. What a beautiful thought.

Dammit. Now I have to watch the whole show again from start to finish. There goes my weekend. :/