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    It's actually German for "the bread, the".

    Thank you. I deserve that for not fact checking and not listening to Hello Nasty in forever.

    I nominate this Eminem lyric is the strangest of all time:

    I'm the king of Scrabble, there is none higher
    I get a thousand points on the word "quagmire"

    Can anyone recommend any other sites that emulate the TV Club model but haven't yet been sucked down the politicizing abyss? I read these reviews because I enjoy experiencing new shows with a community of insightful reviewers/commenters. But I just can't stomach this one.

    No, I'm well aware that the rule has changed with modern usage, but it was too conspicuous to not point out.

    "Try your best to not drool" is a split infinitive. I win!

    Yakov Smirnoff says, "In Soviet Russia, new Pussy Riot album comes out on you!"