Mike C.

Maybe the whole controversy would die down if avclub would stop covering it. At this point, it's just a bunch of people like the mayor, pop culture websites, the Drafthouse and gay lawyers trying to milk as much PR as they can out of this.

I think the whole episode was shot too dark. I doubt Hulu paid a lot for the rights. Netflix doesn't pay well

Yes, or to have a pretense to get rid of them. Similar to NIck's job of gathering dirt on Waterford and the Commander they arrested.

I thought the trading was being done on behalf the Eyes. I would think that intel from Jezebel's would be valuable to them.

I don't think the other commander was arrested for sleeping with his handmaids per se. Commander Pryce wanted to remove him as a political move, but they need a "legitimate" excuse to execute him. I think it's the same for Waterford. They are gathering dirt on him (sleeping with at least two handmaids) to use if Pryce

Three years since their attempted escape seems like a long time. I had the feeling not much time had transpired since June came to the Waterford house. Not sure how much time she spent in the training center, though.

Reminded me of all the missing person signs in NYC after 9/11.

This is what he's doing.

ATM Machine

He would also have needed a magnet, although he doesn't mention it. Maybe he already had one.

Luke lived in Hell's Kitchen during the Incident. At least that's what I got from Jessica Jones. There must be a timeline somewhere, but I think Luke's first stay in Harlem was after the events in The Hulk.

There have to be some successes, but I will give you the counter-example of the F1 track in Austin. And I would bet that there were more concessions to the Cavs then just building the arena.

Not sure how this article shows that sports "matter." Bars are busier when the Cavs win? Seems obvious. Same thing happens in Austin at home football games. So, Cleveland's economic development is based on residents drinking more because they have winning teams?

But the missle launched last ep. was Russian.

They are worse than the Arkham guards.

I get it. The "plead innocent" thing is just a pet peeve. I've actually seen it printed several times in newspapers.

Ninjas are to Daredevil as Orcs are to D&D.

You can't plead "innocent," just "not guilty."

Elektra would drink room temperature champagne? Doubtful. And Matt is horrible at pouring it. All foam.

Yes, I believe the first first Avengers movie.