
I don't, as a rule, enjoy terrible writing which seemed to leave me out of the "50 Shades" target-market. It isn't that I've anything against salacious content, it's that I can't bear it being written in such a way that it gives me the giggles. Rather counter-productive.
The cherry on the shit-sundae of that trilogy

Did anyone else get a bit of Ferris Bueller with the Freddy Rumsen opening?

Ooh, I like that call-back!

Agreed on the obviousness, I just loved the "one in, one out" and both miserable.

So happy to see new Mad Men! A few things that caught my attention: 1) Don and Peggy's doors at the end - he could inexplicably not close his and was outside of his own life looking in and she was locking herself into a prison of her own design. 2) On the subject of Ted and Co. being brought in, they serve the