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    I realize I'm a month late here, but have you or your wife considered that these aspects of the show might be Lynch's way of commenting on contemporary television and issues of gender and race in the medium as a whole?

    Isn't much better?

    I mean, I remember him supporting Gore, Kerry, Obama, and Clinton; he supports liberal values like women's rights, worker's rights, anti-racism, freedom of speech, and freedom of (and especially from) religion; and he fondly tells the story of how his father explained to him that they were democrats because the

    For one, Coulter doesn't prance around in drag while flashing a sign reading, "Admit it: your dick is confused," which this dumbass has evidently done. She also doesn't call Trump "Daddy" or lead harassment campaigns against specific people.

    You think Bill Maher is comparable to a deeply conservative internet troll who leads harassment campaigns and explicitly preaches hate?

    It's a complete misrepresentation of Harris' views to say that he's "not in favor" of gun control, to choose just one example of the misrepresentations you offered. He's on record as saying that it should be as difficult to get a gun license as it is to get a pilot's license. Owning a gun, in his view, should come

    Well, Harris has said that race, sex, age, nationality, dress, traveling companions, travel itinerary, and behavior in the airport are all factors that provide clues as to an individual's religion and intentions — which they obviously do.

    Maher consistently advocates liberal positions, and I'm not aware of any racist positions he supports. He is opposed to a dangerous collection of ideas called "Islam" — just as he opposes a dangerous collection of ideas called "Christianity" — but I'm not familiar with any racist policies he advocates (he has spoken

    Harris has said that white men (like himself) should be included in the "profile" because white guys can, and have, become jihadis.

    What a ridiculous non-story this is. This guy is just a regular dude who has posted some rather tame and ho-hum opinions on reddit.

    increasingly found them the product of white-dude mediocrity and smugness

    You do realize, of course, that the joke is not "It's funny to hurt women."

    Well, he said specifically that he has no problem with diversity — and he certainly thinks it's idiotic for people to boycott over it — but he also criticized Disney's transparent attempt to make the film's diversity into a cynical marketing strategy (you know, mentioning it at every possible turn on the press tour

    Of course that part was a joke. They said, "The black kid is playing with Luke, and the white kid is playing with Darth Vader" as if Vader is a *racially* black character.

    That's a shockingly poor attempt to summarize their point.

    You may not have noticed it….but your brain did.

    It's sort of like shitting on the prequels for not being enough like the original trilogy

    It's over the top but unnecessary.

    even if the actual content itself can sometimes be objectionable.