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    I most definitely think someone could make a hilarious short film about an idiotic, violent racist.

    59 MINUTES!!!!

    The "serial killer" stuff — and most of the grotesque gags that surround the Plinkett character — is so over the top that I find it difficult to be offended by it. I take it as a way of poking fun at the kind of obsessive personality that cares so much about these movies that they'll nitpick all of the many flaws.

    Thoughtful people HATE this one weird trick.

    Well, again, there are a lot of people who are reluctant to call the Orlando shootings a "terrorist attack." To many confused but well-intentioned people it was merely a "mass shooting" caused primarily by lax gun laws and generic "hate."

    Yeah! And by lots of other audiences…almost as if getting paid to speak was a normal thing that famous people do all the time!

    I certainly agree that the Republicans have done all of that, but I don't think it's sufficient to explain the rise of a wacky-speaking, know-nothing game show host in a bad wig.

    I thought he smelled bad on the outside.

    Maybe he knows that one weird trick for dating Natalie Dormier

    It's not detonating a bomb and taking out hundreds, thousands, or millions, no.

    Don't forget that she got paid to make a speech.

    I don't often use the word "hero," but you are the greatest hero in American history.

    Remember the Howard Dean scream? The guy's campaign ended because he made an awkward noise once.

    I meant a larger scale kind of attack, the kind that would make everyone lose their shit.

    That man never hated on Trump in his life….

    I want to be optimistic, but then I remember that there just needs to be one (1) Hillary gaffe or one (1) serious terrorist attack to put Trump in at least striking distance of the presidency.

    I'm just thinking what everyone else is saying!

    Am I alone in being completely incapable of stomaching Jimmy Fallon?

    This election is obviously bugfuck crazy, and this topic has probably been talked to death, but —

    Yeah, and — call me crazy — but I have this hunch that he's not very bright.