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    Time for an unpopular opinion:

    Believe it or not, there was a minority who thought that Silvio was working with the Feds and spared her life.

    Strongbad: The Hound is not dead! The Hound is not dead! I'm so glad the Hound is not dead! Just the claps!!

    They did?!

    "Kazakhstan is the greatest nation in the world,
    All the other countries are run by little girls…."

    I'm gonna say it: it's disappointing that the show keeps resurrecting characters. A big part of the fun of this show was knowing that literally anyone could die at any time. Now the tension is entirely gone. I'm not even slightly worried about Arya: even if her plot armor was somehow pierced, they could just resurrect

    I'm more of a well wisher…in that I don't wish you any specific harm.

    Click here to learn his secrets for earning $1,000 a week working from home.

    I say, Fuck'em if they can't take a joke.

    You have to be careful with touchy subjects. Most posters here are eager to affirm their progressive cred (and/or garner lots of up votes for saying out loud what pretty much everyone thinks), and — more understandably — want to chase out weird conservative trolls (and thus anyone who might even remotely stand a

    That is the darndest thing.

    Plus, Boys II Men are really woodworking their options tonight!

    I always saw Summer as a symbol of hope for the future

    Oh, please, I can't stand gamergate misogynist weirdos.

    I almost wonder if the exposing of the breasts of the actress playing an actress playing Sansa was the show's joke on its own penchant for inserting nudity into odd places.

    I wrote the following in a discussion the other day, based on last week's episode, and I thought you'd all enjoy it:

    RIP Summer

    [To the beat of Poochie’s rap]

    It's funny, but not "ha ha" funny.

    Mountain: Which dog am I petting?