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    "You have selected regicide. If you know the name of king or queen being murdered, press one."

    All said, it's a fairly minor point, but isn't it standard operating procedure to switch to white text when the background is too similar? It gives the impression that nobody watched the episode carefully before it aired. Oh, well. Thus endeth my nitpick.

    He's really been patient in waiting for an answer!

    Would have been a little more effective if the subtitles hadn't been partially obscured by the flames.

    I stand corrected!

    Not with that attitude.


    I thought it was a body double, like in Cersei's walk of shame. Isn't it in her contract that she doesn't do nudity anymore?

    Am I the only one getting tired of Dany's spectacles? I get it…she's super cool and she's overthrowing every boys' club in sight. C'mon, already, let's move this plot forward with something new.

    So what's up with Davos pushing so hard for resurrecting Jon Snow, as if he's the surrogate for the audience?

    I mean, there's some precedent for characters returning from the dead. That character Thoros back in season two or three had the ability to resurrect people. And — I won't mention any names — in the books (not in the show), there's actually another fairly major character who returns from death.

    …and tell him it's raining.

    In my opinion, the last thing this show needs is a stereotypical prophesied hero. I thought the whole point of GoT — well, one of its points — was to subvert cliched fantasy tropes.

    Why was Davos so gung-ho to resurrect Jon Snow? Did he read the script or something?

    Repost from elsewhere on this site:

    Am I alone in thinking that bringing Jon Snow back sort of betrays the spirit of the show? Game of Thrones is famous for not being afraid to kill off main characters in unceremonious ways.

    Now, now, you may think you don't hate women and that you have plenty of valid, cogent reasons for not liking the Ghostbusters reboot, but the truth of the matter is that the telepathic AV Club writers understand your motivations better than you do.

    Woke up this morning, got yourself a proton pack, got yourself a proton pack…
    I'm livin in these times behind a wall of slime…I got mine, I hope you
    Got yourself a proton pack
    You wanna ghostbust, I hope you
    Got yourself a proton pack
    You wanna kill Gozer, I hope you
    Got yourself a proton pack
    And when I see you, I'ma make a

    Yes, that's all dangerous ways of thinking, and yes sadly the more backward and impoverished Muslim majority countries still have to deal with people who believe in such brutal repercussions.

    You can't go by opinion polls taken *now* — the republicans haven't gone to work on Bernie yet with constant attack ads blaring the word "SOCIALISM" at voters.
    Do you seriously think that someone who calls himself a socialist can get elected president in a general election? A Jewish socialist on top of that? Wake up,