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    It's the love-matic grandpa…..

    I know I've talked about my major kink before. But only here, and only once. And yet someone nailed me on it as a joke earlier in a totally unrelated thread and now I'm super paranoid.

    Hm. It's interesting — and understandable — that you would react that way.

    Just like every other column!

    Oh, pish posh.

    Dude, I don't even read "Savage Love" or think too much of Dan Savage.

    "It's true that I had my enemies murdered, but as Gabbo would say…."

    Dammit! Someone beat me to first comment again…and a dick-faced someone at that!

    Strap yourself in and get ready to feel the Gs, it’s time for….

    I really, really like her, and I'm already starting to wonder when I'll know I'm really in love.

    I really, really like her, and I'm already starting to wonder when I'll know I'm really in love.

    I'm reminded of Louis CK's bit about how one significant white privilege is the privilege to use a time machine and go back to any time in history. Black people can't fuck around with time machines, he jokes. "Nothing before 1980!"

    Sheer luck
    The modesty on this guy!

    As to your actual question, I've found that the people who pride themselves — loudly — on being "tolerant" tend to be some of the least tolerant people around.

    I don't think I have any special insights into your question, just a big booooo from me for posting your column before I could post mine!

    “Men hide your women, and women hide your hineys,” for I bring you the unique stylings of….

    I already measure out my life in coffee spoons!

    True! I've found myself instinctively looking out for bald actors who are good, as if to feel good for members of my "tribe." It's kind of stupid, but I can't help what I instinctively do.
    Interestingly, there are a lot of good bald or balding actors. This is the part where I'd make a Jim Gandolfini joke if he were

    I get that men have to shave too and all, but really only if they want to.
    Yes, all excellent points, especially this one. For men, it's mostly optional. Like I said, one of the many perks of male privilege is that nobody really cares what I look like or spends more than a second or two registering my appearance (just

    No one wants to get loose pubes stuck in their teeth
    "When I was blowing you, it's like I was flossing!"
    —Samantha, Sex and the City