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    I rarely shave my legs, and no one ever seems to notice. Or at least, they don't say anything to my face.
    Oh Jesus, I'd never have the balls to say to a woman, "Ehhh, what's with all this hair?! You gotta shave when I come around, toots!"
    And not only would I not have the balls to say it, I think that a sentiment like

    Wow. I think that's the most I've read almost all of about hair. Well done.
    The trick is to pepper the article with pop culture references.
    You might say the secret ingredient is…salt.

    Dude, shoulda started propecia when it started thinning.

    I knew its time was limited (thanks, Grandpa Jack!)
    Supposedly, my grandfather would say to the barber, "Just comb it" and "Do you know how to put hair back on?"
    Generations of comedians.

    Shaved legs on women should be a given. I don't care how patriarchal it is, they look and feel better.
    Ahhhh, patriarchy. Where would we be without you?
    I dunno. I've had women tell me that they hate shaving their legs and that it's unfair to women, and I agree with them. But is it actually more unfair than the

    I actually think balding guys are kind of cute, especially paired with a beard.

    Well, Dawn’s in trouble – it must be Tueseday…er, I mean, it’s time once again for everybody’s favorite feature column…SAVAGE LOS!

    I still laugh at the memory of that line to this day!

    They got me livin with an African American and a Jewish American and a woman American…and I just love you guys so much.

    "Alllll, let's have sex!"

    Ed O'Neil is great. He's a wonderful comedic actor, and his work on Married with Children — an underrated and often underestimated sitcom — was exceptional.

    Upon even closer inspection…dese are loafers.

    Let me guess, the seven words were shit, piss, fuck, c-nt, cocksucker, motherfucker, tits.

    I think arguing against the humanity of a fetus is the wrong rhetorical strategy. Whether we want to call it a human or not, the issue ultimately comes down to bodily autonomy. No person - born or unborn - has the right to *force* someone to use her body to save that person's life. I can't force a woman to give me one

    Brilliant analysis. I miss Carlin.

    Hear, hear. There's also a weird authoritarian streak in a lot of people who style themselves liberals. As a liberal, I'm usually quite annoyed by it.

    I agree with you that message is way more important than appearance, but I also think that message means little if you can't *persuade* lots of others, which you usually can't do without giving some thought to appearance.

    All kidding aside, I actually am interested in Jason's "real deal." Drowned because camp counselors were having sex instead of supervising the children swimming,* Jason presumably died as a boy. His mother is the killer in the first Friday the 13th movie, and Jason himself doesn't appear at all, except as a voice in

    This will probably be ignored since I'm 13 hours late, but….

    The safe word is flugelhorn, right?