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    This was the most entertaining political debate I've ever seen.


    Update: It's easy to find the episodes online, but there don't seem to be any with subtitles. That's unfortunate because the snippets in that clip and some extracts transcribed in a few articles I found are great. I particularly like this one: "You worthless bastard! You suck as a member of society!"

    And by "right up my alley," I mean "I want to spend most of today watching this show."

    Well, of course it doesn't matter, but it's interesting to muse about.

    Rest easy: in today's identity-obsessed culture, there must be some word for "likes boring sex" that can make you feel as if you're super special. Some tumblr account probably differentiates between five or six boring-sex identities.

    All is right with the world, then.

    Holy shit…what a find!

    If stockings didn't exist in a historical period, then that person couldn't have a stocking fetish that was simply never realized, they could only have the potential for a stocking fetish, not the fetish itself.

    Thinking it over, I'm confident that Anakin Skywalker had a chance to figure out if he was into fire play….

    The AV Club

    It's kind of fascinating to wonder about how many people in history had fetishes that they never even *realized* they had because there wasn't an internet to give them the idea in the first place.

    Thank you for your honest and engaging post.

    It's pretty fun to watch your sexual interests grow and evolve in unexpected and quirky ways.

    The only pop culture reference I know regarding curly hair is a line from joke rapper Bizarre: "I'm up early with my hair curly / Me and Mr. Furley, fuckin' Laverne and Shirley!"

    Now, now, if Woody Allen's movies have taught us anything, it's that impotence is caused by a tiny priest hiding in your brain, reminding you that you're an awful sinner!

    You keep squirming, there's going to be a little bald girl with no lollipop.

    Since my last column received overwhelmingly positive feedback – and by that, I mean a couple of people replied to it and nobody seems to have complained – it’s time once again for… SAVAGE LOS!

    I've been ranking on this show for weeks now, so I might as well give them props for a good episode and a not-so-bad use of Vince Vaughn. It's still nowhere near as good as season one was, and the Paul stuff as a super soldier was just eye-rolling, but I was actually entertained and kept interested (which is as good

    I never said that "it's 'not okay' for someone to privately hold certain opinions"