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    To be honest I haven't paid the closest of attention to the whole sex tape scandal over the years

    While I'm at it, I want to comment on Hogan's apology. In an age of celebrity "notpologies" ("I'm sorry my words offended you" or "I'm sorry you took what I said so badly") and excuses ("I have an addiction, and I'm getting treatment for it now"), Hogan's statement directly says that he thinks he did something wrong

    I was under the impression that Hogan was *not* aware that he was being filmed. As I understand it, the comments were made just before or after a sexual encounter that was being taped without his knowledge or consent (I'll add that taping him having sex without his knowledge or consent is an even bigger violation of

    I wish someone had told me that Dr. Dre was not a real doctor before I agreed to let him remove my gallbladder.

    Upvoted for a line that references the Simpsons referencing the Godfather.

    Inflammable means flammable…what a country!

    Discussing his time in the Air Force, George Carlin remarked how weird it was that the other guys hated gays so much and wouldn't want a gay guy joining: "Are these guys nuts? When we go into town…more pussy for me!"

    Still paraphrasing: A male friend for her is like "Dick Under Glass." In case of emergency, break glass.

    I believe that was Khia, whose immortal lyrics were "My neck, my back…lick my pussy and my crack."

    Your ideas are intriguing to me, and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

    Oh, and….

    Ain't no party like a girl sex party because a girl sex party is notorious for taking hours to warm up!

    The non-logic behind (some of) this attitude is addressed brilliantly on The Sopranos, when Uncle Junior doesn't want the other mobsters to know he gives his girlfriend head: "They think if you suck pussy, you'll suck anything."

    I knew it! It's part of the vile gay agenda to feminize our culture and make all us tough, straight guys into sissies!

    King Rimjob of Butt-Munch Mountain

    You don't even want to know what manuscript about ass-eating Harper Lee was sitting on, no pun intended.

    "I don't see what my husband dying has to do with baseball!"
    "Mrs. Simpson, death is a part of baseball."
    "Yeah…the most important part!"

    I've found my star!

    And Kerouac's On the (Hershey Highway) Road

    Don't forget Steinbeck's The Grapes of Ass