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    There, there, Stan's family. There, there.

    Sure, of course the prostitutes are played by women, because duh. It's the lack of any woman who isn't defined by her sexuality in the show that's the problem.

    I think it was episode two or three…either way, a *lot* of time has passed without Stan being mentioned again. And now, suddenly, the boss is comforting the guy's family?

    We hardly knew Stan…literally.

    it's hardly his primary characteristic

    Given that this episode depicted (and obviously condemned)
    the awful subjugation of women by means of a disgusting sex party, I'm not sure how you expect the show to pull this off without the vast majority of female extras being prostitutes at the party.

    I am tired of depictions of closeted gay guys acting tough.

    Truly Defective

    boy this show likes to have men talk about how women raped and kids terrorized effects men. It's tough being a man tangently connected to tragedy.

    It's so bad this season. Vince Vaughn is hopelessly miscast. The closeted gay guy's story is cliche and boring beyond your wildest imaginings. It's unclear exactly what's happening and why it's important.

    He was mentioned 1ce in a "get stan and so and so, and everybody" by vaughn… then killed off like a regular that we should know… then they wait 3 or 4 episodes before introducing his family

    Your dad doesn't have to have red hair for you to have red hair.

    Another episode where it's unclear why I should care about anything. Vince Vaughn's scene with that kid - which I suppose was one of his better scenes - was spoiled by my confusion over the identity of Stan. A quick google search revealed I was not the only one. This season has a real problem clarifying what's going

    More like True Disappointment, amirite?

    How is the story "Hulk Hogan said a racist thing" and not "Man fired for something he said privately almost a decade ago"?

    <frank>Oh, don't be so apoplectic.</frank>

    That first episode, lots of people here guessed that the character was gay…and then that's all there was to the character. There's nothing new or interesting that this storyline has to say about homosexuality or masculinity, as far as I can tell.

    When are they going to get to the fireworks factory creepy shed in the woods where the cult conducts their unspeakable rites!?

    Whenever Frank's not on the screen, people should be asking "Where's Frank?"