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    Wow, this season is awful.

    [50 Cent's] awfulness at rap became increasingly clear and harder to hide with production.

    I really didn't hear anything of interest in this song and I wondered if it was just that I'm an old white guy.

    50 Cent was a phenomenon of marketing.

    Maybe Dikachu can get some royalties.

    It makes-a sex look like CHURCH!

    By that reasoning, I could claim this Archangel Protection Kit keeps archangels away.
    How does it work?
    It doesn't…but I don't see any archangels around here, do you?
    Lisa, I'd like to buy your kit.

    "I keep telling you, the earth goes *around* the sun!"

    I love Stannis as much as the next guy, but I can't visualize a situation in which he's still alive.
    I won't lie to you, Stannis. You have a good chance of taking the iron throne, but first you have to visualize how you're going to beat Brienne and get out of this situation.
    Announcer in Stannis' imagination: And a

    It's fitting that Stannis' last words are "Do your duty" since his character was all about doing his duty and trying to fulfill his destiny. The decision that precipitated his defeat was the sacrifice of his innocent daughter in order to secure that destiny (or so he thought).
    I can't see how Stannis could still be

    Yo check this out, ya see, black guys commit serial murders like this: doo doo chh ba doo doo. Yeah, but white guys, they just commit serial murders like this: Badiptdadoo badipta dipta doo!

    Good thing they suggested this. We tried nothing, and we're all out of ideas.

    Don't you all see?? This is the same storm trooper. The only difference is its stupid, cheap hat. It still embodies the same awful stereotypes and imperial ideology.

    Nice Fear of a Black Hat reference!

    Hey, I may be liberal, and I may be elite, but…what was that third thing you said?

    Archmage is just pointing out that life isn't universally held to be "better" than death.
    Which is of course true, but kind of irrelevant because idiotking's point was (I think) that *generally* life is preferable to death. I don't think idiotking was trying to say that life is preferable to death in all situations,

    There's a really important point that I think the writers didn't adequately convey in Stannis' scenes: Stannis is convinced that the entire world will be destroyed and that the human race will die unless he becomes king; he is also convinced that sacrificing his daughter is the only option he has to become king.

    “It graphically portrays parts of the human body which, practical as they may be, are evil.” – Helen Lovejoy, on Michelangelo’s David.

    I'm pretty sure my loathing for this asshole will last the rest of my life.
    "Are you really going to loathe this asshole for the rest of your life?"
    "Of course not. Just the rest of his life."

    After the finale, I started reading all of the supposed "spoilers" of the ending that were posted online before the finale. They were all hilariously wrong, sometimes spectacularly so.
    In all my many travels across the internet, I found only one post, on an obscure Sopranos discussion forum, that accurately predicted