
I'd also add Grace and Frankie to the list.

It's fully realized to an extant. It adds much more layers than what you might expect. In any case, your description isn't totally incorrect, and it's the same one could use for Six Feet Under, the show Transparent is most similar to.

I would say she's more of a redhead than a brunette now.

I was just about to say that, he's latino.

Don't forget Big Love only turned insane in its fourth season, so there's always next year.

I forgot about "Fight" (which I love), but I still find "Catherine" way better. I find that episode's last shot the deepest psychological moment in the show's history: Bill practically bawling while holding Virginia's hand and having her turn her back because he didn't want her to see him crying speaks volumes about

I don't like Asterion. But I do like the premiere!

For me, it was Libby's miscarriage. "Catherine" is so light years ahead of anything the show has ever done that it makes me even more disappointed about Masters of Sex as a whole.

The promotional photos for this season make me think that this season has become Showtime's version of Big Love. For those who have seen the premiere: is this at all the case?

I think the show will almost certainly bring that back, but what I meant is that the illusion that they would be sort of the couple that shippers would be shipping is now destroyed. Their relationship will be much more complicated than that from now on.

It was pretty much an hour of Marti Noxon taunting shippers, staging scenes where Adam and Rachel displayed great chemistry only to have that completely destroyed by the end in what I took as a grand statement that this isn't going to be that kind of show. I fucking loved it.

Badger sounds perfect for Better Call Saul.

A way that wouldn't destroy continuity would be to simply let Walt interact with either Kim, Howard or Chuck, and never let Jimmy or Mike know about it. Dare. Problem solved.

She was really great in Orange is the New Black, wasn't she? Then again, everybody in that show is great.

I may be in the minority here, but I actually really like Piper and Alex. Piper never annoyed me to the extant that she annoyed some people, maybe because I can see Jenji Kohan's firm grasp on the character and realize she's moving the character exactly as she wants to (and, obviously, Taylor Schilling is fantastic).

Well, there was a teeny little moment where Kelly Bishop said "Don't take those dialogues away from me", and Amy replied "I don't have that power anymore" to which Kelly said "You will!" and the audience cheered. I thought that was Bunheads related, kinda.

Was there any mention to Bunheads? It'd be lovely if there was.

Season 2 was a goddamn trainwreck, honestly. The whole Libby and Call-O-Metric plots were beyond awful, the kind of thing that I can't even begin to fathom how could anybody possibly have thought that it was a good idea in the first place.

Of course they will. Maybe not next season, but certainly at some point.

Considering this is the show famous for its tragic episodes, I predict a Six Feet Under kind of ending, where the show flashforwards throughout the years and see what kinds of tragedies will kill each and everyone of its characters. The only coherent reason so that Grey's Anatomy ends is if Meredith dies, then there's