You okay, 2016? Anything you need to talk about?
You okay, 2016? Anything you need to talk about?
Apart from his "political leanings", he's a pretty mellow kid. That arrogance from him really caught me off guard. His younger brother is just obnoxious, though. That kid has actually called me "dumb" numerous times. And he's the type who'll bluster about his work being easy, and then he gets everything wrong because…
It's scary that that's where we're heading. Much journalism is heading down a similar path. BuzzFeed perfectly encapsulates this new approach to "journalism", with "articles" made up solely of unoriginal, uninteresting listicles peppered with gifs and memes. Heaven forbid someone allow an actual paragraph to slip in…
Getting a little misty-eyed here, not gonna lie. I seriously need to rematch these movies. It's been too long.
Billy Bob Brony.
The title is so video game-y…
It worries me. So many kids today can't even be bothered to crack open a paper dictionary to look words up because "it's too hard" or "it takes too long". They have no patience. If something doesn't come to them instantly in 140 characters or less, it's not worth the effort to figure out. And if the older kids are to…
Oh gosh, I'd never. It can just be so frustrating dealing with some of them. I mean, these kids are young and I hope they know better when they're older. But jeez, the nerve some of them have.
I'm an English tutor, and a lot of my male pre-middle/middle-school/early high school-age students are huge "supporters" of Trump, solely because he's the subject of their current favourite memes. They think he's hysterical. I had one student yesterday, who has YET TO TURN 9, tell me that he knows more about politics…
Not Kocoum!
I'm glad to have read that. Thanks for sharing. :) That must have been painful and difficult for you to write.
Oh, his presidency will be one of the contributing factors towards the start of WWIII. There's no one happier about his win than Vlad Putin. He'd like nothing more than for the west to dismantle, for the EU to collapse, so that he can march his cronies into Eastern Europe and rebuild the USSR without anyone to oppose…
It's not Trump people worry about. Trump is an idiot without any clue as to how this works. It's his supporters they're worried about - many of whom are angry, hateful, uneducated, and dangerous. He's given them power. He's already back-pedalling on the things he promised his supporters, and as he continues to do…
What's especially soul-crushing is that she (and her daughter, in her early teens no less!) put up with so much shit while Bill was in office. Hillary was criticized for being "unfeminine" and "ugly", for refusing to be allow herself to be limited to the president's wife, for wanting to be involved in politics. This…
No! Bad America! BAD!
My dad says he'll be impeached within four months, tops.
Thanks for clearing that up! I've been wanting to read these comics for years, as I thought the artwork was really striking. But there never seemed to be much info about them online, which led me to believe that maybe they weren't very well received. This article's definitely re-ignited my interest, though.
Pardon my lame confusion. The comics you're talking about here are not the same ones contained in the X-Statix omnibus, even though they include the same characters? Is this particular run available in a trade paperback or omnibus format?
Really? I didn't know that!
Oh for sure, but I think that the French colonialism metaphor will fly over the heads of most kids, whereas a scene depicting the abduction and slavery of mothers with young children will hit them a bit harder.