
Mike has said that if you call into the show, you're an active participant and are fair game. I was reluctant to accept that for a while but it make sense as the method to the madness. I know people who like him and still listen and those who hate him but still listen. His attitude has a lot to do with both groups.

They should do a 30 for 30 on Jerome from Manhattan. For those non-sports fans/outside the tri-state area, Jerome used to regularly call in to WFAN and unleash deranged, confused, and grammatically/linguistically incorrect rants, usually directed at the New York Yankees, who ironically enough were by far the most

I've always thought of him as largely a-political. Imus' bullshit meter is finely tuned and his patience is pretty low. He called people in both major parties names I'm reluctant to type here. Maybe it was intentional, not alienating a large segment of your potential audience and all, but that was usually my

If only replay existed back then. Perhaps the Yankee dynasty could have been averted.

Imus was on with Mike for the WFAN anniversary a few weeks back. It might be a few ticks slower, but the man still has a fastball and had some great lines in the ten minutes he was on the air.

Reading about this makes me think of the countless hours I spent listening to these two on drives with my dad from school, around my hometown, on trips, etc. There is definitely an element of nostalgia here for lots of people in my age group. Love or hate them (sometimes it was both), they could always make the

Easily the most difficult show to watch of all the series I've completed. I can't quite recommend it to people because I don't know people's thresholds for unpleasantness (in a word…) which Oz has in spades. That said, it is well acted, always interesting, and contains some very moving moments. ::SPOILER:: The tribute

Yeah not entirely sure what you're getting at here. I did scratch my head at the initial shots of the neighborhood. All that seemed to be missing were push lawn mowers and Mrs. Cleaver calling the Beav in for dinner. Surely South Central Los Angeles did not look quite so picturesque, even in the 1980's. This might be

Been there, done that. Perhaps another adequate distraction until the fireworks start on 7/16, but not sure it's much else.

Your way is fine. So is my way. Though I'd be remiss to point out that a UFO appeared directly above Lou Solverson and more or less saved his life. I think that combined with the ruthlessness of the Gerhardt feud made him say "This is all too much, I'm going to go run a diner instead" and quit the force. That's the

This season had its moments but was very uneven. Of all the things it lacked, the supernatural element was probably what I missed most. Lorne Malvo being the devil incarnate and aliens hanging overhead in seasons 1 and 2 added a lot of the show's just plain weird atmosphere.

Dude. I remember the movie very well and remember having that feeling afterwards that you don't really get all that often; that I just witnessed a legitimate work of art. But it made me feel bad while I was watching it. I felt bad for a while afterwards. I felt bad thinking about it the other night while I watched

Wait a second, I thought the whole point of this show was nuanced, layered characters, hence why so many people on here defend Jimmy based on his past despite the fact that we all know he becomes a consigliere for a drug operation that ruins countless lives? It was a terrible thing for Chuck to say, but I think

"RIP to a one of a kind villain"

"now that would be a Titanic ending!"

I hope Gus had a good alibi for meeting in the dead of night with a major drug dealer who I assume has a record or at very least the attention of the authorities. Seems like something that would make it into a police report that Hank would have discovered during his investigation into Gus. The situation was dicey

Well Mike, Hank, Jesse, and whichever other characters who visited did not seem to have any issues getting there.

I would't bet on it, since that would probably involve him being disbarred and we all know that isn't going to happen.

For sure, that feeling like you're falling and your stomach drops…no matter the circumstances it's always unpleasant.

Indeed, but they have an office within driving distance of ABQ, seems like that would be a good place to start. Maybe hires during the time Pollos has been in the area, any hires that also worked for Pollos, etc. Maybe I wouldn't harp on it if they hadn't made a point of discussing the use of actual names and doing it