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    I also looked up Erlich's new juicer to see if it's real. It is. And it costs $1800.

    That could also be how he gets out of violating the NDA, if he signed the Hooli severance papers as Big Head.

    One of my favorite lines in the whole show is Tina's detention fantasy (when Tammy first comes to school) where Zeke yells, "I'm an idiot!"

    He IS a dork for boobs.

    All they need to do is add a new male to the cast, and then Tandy's got an automatic enemy. Boom, done.

    I like the Sheldon/Amy end tag. Amy's drinking fakeouts were funny. I wish Amy would be more forward with Sheldon about wanting to have sex again.

    I think I've seen that bear at Costco.

    Him tripping over the bear on the way out was great. As was Bernadette sitting in its lap when he brought it back.

    It was a small note from Melissa, in Carol's old house. Phil happened to see it before Carol did, and put it in his pocket so she wouldn't find it. (And then later fessed up.)

    They could've very well drowned, even in three feet of water, if they hadn't been able to get out of the castle before it deflated.

    Well, he threw away the box. That's something, I guess.

    I think they could be setting up a possible plotline where Gail commits suicide or accidentally dies (drinking-related accident) due to the guilt.

    Vincent Price? So does that mean we could see Bill Hader as the Long Lost Triplet Miller?

    Well, it's not like he has anything better to do …

    Before he flatlined, my guess was going to be that they'd actually pull off the appendectomy but Phil 2.0 would wind up dying from massive infection.

    I think they just burned Phil's house out of spite.

    The sign on the fence outside the area said "Safe Haven" … I was under the impression that it was an isolation area, and then the virus got in and infected everyone and then it was turned into a body storage area.

    There HAVE to be more survivors around the world. There's no way that the Tuscon/Malibu gang, and Pat, are all there is. There are people in the US, and across the world, who live completely isolated lives … unless the virus was spread through the air, it's entirely plausible that there are people out there who might

    Did they actually SAY it was for Phil II? I mean, I'm sure it is … there's no way he could've survived that surgery, and Original Phil told Erica he'd act as her baby's father (yuck) … but they just said "When a friend dies." Maybe it was them re-burying Gordon, since they dug him up for Gail to practice on? Or even