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    They left a small note in Carol's house. Not a big sign like the billboards.

    Scott Kelly's return from the ISS last week was probably poor timing for LMOE … the news footage showed Kelly being carried out of his capsule since a year in space had left his body weak, so I can't imagine that Mike would have been able to pedal a floating bike after being up there for three years.

    That makes sense, but she doesn't seem as "steady" as, say, Todd. Especially with all the wine.

    I'm convinced that Carter and Thomas wrote the finale themselves, and completely ignored everything prior to that. There were several flash-forwards (or flashbacks? Such a screwy timeline) that showed Ted wearing a wedding ring by 2012, and then in the finale they completely retconned all that just to have Ted wait

    That's part of what bothered me about the way they handled Ted's relationship with Tracy/The Mother … Robin and Stella and Victoria got Ted's romantic gestures, whereas Tracy got a thrown-together Thursday afternoon wedding with none of her own friends invited to witness it.

    Poor Gail. I can't imagine having that weight on one's shoulders. I'm sure nobody will hold it against her if Phil 2.0 dies (which he almost certainly will), and he would have died anyway if they didn't even attempt the operation … but that's got to be a heavy load for Gail to carry for the rest of her life. I'm

    I don't think Carol sees pre-marital sex as a sin (she had no problem having sex with Phil 2.0 outside of a marriage). She just didn't want a "bastard" baby with unmarried parents. She asked Phil to marry her because she wanted to get to work conceiving a child right away to save the human race, not because she wanted

    Phil 2.0 seems to be the only one that absolutely hates him … the others either like him or deal with him. I think he's just trying to get Phil 2.0 not to actively hate him, and he's trying to redeem himself by getting Phil 2.0 back into everyone else's good graces as well (i.e. the Hope Diamond).

    Maybe they all split up to get gifts? Todd likely had to travel to get the ZZ Top car, unless it was being kept in LA. But the others probably found their gifts someplace fairly local.

    Isn't all the marine life dead, though?

    Was it really only one try? I would assume that he's been trying to contact someone for three years, and he finally snapped.

    My bet - an explosion from the bomb that Phil left in Washington DC while he was driving the jet plane through the streets. (The bomb that Carol complained about and Phil said he'd put away later … it's Phil we're talking about here, so he more than likely never put it away.)

    I thought the same, although Phil mentioned that his parents are buried in Tucson.

    Mel Rodriguez did a really great job with Todd's facial expressions while Melissa was giving her big speech and proposal. His face said so much ("youre too late, why are you telling me this NOW, how am I going to get out of this one?") without him ever saying a word. Well done, Mel.

    So are they going to spend the whole series saying how she's *definitely* living in New York City, and then in the last minute the narrator will say, "Surprise, she's actually in Milwaukee! It's a TWIST!"

    Why does Bojack, the largest character, not simply eat the others?

    Plus he said, "Go to bed, Penny." He didn't say "Go home" or "Go to your room" or "Leave me alone."

    The necklace said Love.

    Urge to kill, fading …

    "He’s worked for Carter Bays and Craig Thomas on more than one occasion—most recently writing a parody of “One More Day” for the HIMYM presentation at the TCA"