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    I want to see the photo of Ted and his BFF, the balloon.

    It's probably cheaper to use lesser-known tracks. Plus I like that there's not a lot of mainstream stuff.

    Probably the same place where they got all those female jurors in "12 Horny Women." That episode made me ragey.

    Gimme a schtickle of flouride.

    Segal was the last holdout for a ninth season. Maybe this was his compromise, that he has minimal shooting/screen time.

    Sir, try to land on Leonard's carcass!

    Didn't Robin say that the samosas were from a restaurant?

    With next week's episode being titled "Mom and Dad," I'm thinking we're going to see a flash-forward somehow involving Ted, The Mother, and their children.

    Don't forget that The Mother is also shaping her own future by encouraging Barney to go after Robin.

    Ted found out about the band through Cindy. He may have booked them via email, or over the phone, without seeing them audition … didn't the original DJ drop out of the wedding a week beforehand? Or even if he (or Barney/Robin) met a band member in person to book them, it may not have been The Mother.

    My house is dirty - buy me a clean one.

    I think she's cute and she's doing the best she can, considering that a lot of the dialogue in recent episodes is just crap.

    "Horse Pepsi O.K.?"

    "It's bonkers beautiful" irritated the hell out of me. I know she's young IRL, but that made her sound like she's 15. They're making her TOO quirky.

    That's what bothered me, too … she was calling him a "good guy" when meanwhile he's said in the past that he once sold a woman. For all she knew, he could've been a crazy rapist.

    Yeah, it was really weird how she just dropped that into the conversation so casually.

    Lily keeps saying that he's going to miss the rehearsal dinner, not the wedding.

    It's possible that she could say, "I once had a really cool 1939 penny in my pocket and it must've fallen out on the subway," but I don't think a 1939 penny is SO rare that the penny only could've been hers. But it'd be cute if they had a flashback to where she DOES drop it and it really is hers, but the topic just

    So who's a famous Canadian actress that they could bring in as Mrs. Sherbatsky?

    The goggles do nothing!