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    And Lily would've secretly broken up their relationship if she didn't like it, anyway, because of The Front Porch Test. So if a girl dating Ted doesn't pass Lily's standards then she's screwed. Which is probably why they had Lily as the first member of the gang to meet The Mother … her approval matters because she's

    Speaking of that, where did the syrup remnants go? She and that ugly, ugly blouse looked suspiciously clean once the scrambled egg battle began.

    Uh oh. You said the quiet part loud and the loud part quiet.

    He's going to go get her. Mark it.

    Corny, really? I thought it was pretty true-to-life.

    Robin finally agrees to Lily's repeated hints for some girl-on-girl action?

    Good point.

    He's on the lighthouse with The Mother "not two years later" from the point when he was there with Cassie in 2013.

    I still bet she'll show up.

    Ted's got a wedding ring in Trilogy Time when he's holding his baby girl, yes.

    Yes, in this season's second episode he came back to the Inn a year later with The Mother.

    She was on a green screen in "Wagstaff News" but didn't fall in love with it. Her green blazer turned her into a floating head, though.

    Speaking of height, did Lily look taller in this episode or was it just me?

    The last scene of the series is going to be like the last scene in Home Alone 2, with Lily gazing happily out the window and then running away when Marshall screams from off-screen, "Lily! You spent $967 on room service?!?!?!?!?!?"

    I believe that she told Marshall and Lily about it when she announced that Kevin (Kal Penn) had proposed and she was considering marrying him.