Fred Sandford

No spoilers or nothing here!

Watch it til the end. There may not be a heart of "Gold" which is, cleverly, her last name.

I wouldn't trust Winter with another ending after this one.

So it was exactly three fast forward clicks on my Xbmc remote.

To be fair, the last season of The Wire was meandering crap. If it would have gone out strong with season 4 it would have been a lot better in my humble opinion. Nobody cares about newspaper drama really.

He spent the grand on the gun, or part of that money on the gun. They don't just materialize. If that's the case then the murder was definitely planned.

That actually makes sense since each season is completely different thematically. They recycle the actors/actresses but everything else changes.

Oh, I'm slow because I don't like lazy, thoughtless, punch out endings?

Exactly the same as Breaking Bad's Gus.

Don't forget cashing in on the half million dollar life insurance policy Nucky took out on Mickey. It was in the paperwork he retrieved from the club.

Whew. That's alot more satisfying than another Sopranos punch out ending. Nucky lives, goes to the federal pen for a while, then lives out his life far away. He redeemed himself after all and tied up loose ends.

My favorite dick move killing technique was the old pickpocket grenade.

You…do realize a review is going to contain criticism right? I'm surprised you didn't just come out and call the reviewer a "hater". There are people still living that have a critical eye towards things and don't just hug everything with a big, shit-eating grin on their face, believe it or not.

Pretty sure half the characters have HIV already and don't know it, there won't be a season two unless it's one big hospital drama. Judging by the depressingly bad writing thus far, it's completely plausible. Anyone else want to choke the giraffe-necked Cameron, or is it just me? It may help her voice go up an octave.