Bill Thompson

I already answered your first paragraph earlier.

You're definition of story is limited, and something most filmmakers have rebelled against. If filmmakers actually adhered to your definition them many of the great works like Daisies, Valerie and her Week of Wonders,, or Hedgehog in the Fog would not exist. Emotion, atmosphere, tension, and so forth are something

Why is cartoon action a bad thing? Buster Keaton made great movies based on cartoonish action, so has Joe Dante.

Have you seen the entirety of the film that said action sequence is from? Are you judging the storytelling of the film based on one clip?

I'm a big fan of direct to video action, but I can't completely agree with the tenor of the piece. Movies like Dredd show that Hollywood, or big budget, action filmmaking is still alive and well. Heck, even Pacific Rim does the same, although it's a different sort of action film I suppose. Basically the state of the