Joel Hurst

My friend caught the early airing of the pilot, and RAVED about it.
Him: "You've gotta watch this, bro…. It has to be the best show on tv right now"
Me: "What channel? What's it called? And stop saying 'bro.'"
Him: "Dude. It's on that same channel that Suits and Burn Notice and Psych are on. It's called Mr. Robot"

Hey man check out my post above and let me know what you think.

I know I post some pretty off-the-wall stuff, but this shit is real:
I'm re-watching the pilot. Near the end, there's a mini-montage of how Elliot is hacking Krista. For the first time, I froze the frame and read all the "screen shots."
Here are a few:
According to Krista's Facebook page, she studied IT (wtf?) at The

Totally. Imagine if, say, corn was illegal in, say, Afghanistan etc. Corn that sells for maybe 18 cents/ear here in America would go for $18/ear there. Or, 22 cents PER KERNAL. If the same distribution channels apply in reverse.

No but seriously it's real. There's a 12-step program for it (SAA). Sex addiction, like any addiction, is a combination of a lot of problems, symptoms, neuroses, compulsions, etc. It usually manifests as womanizing, compulsive masturbation, exhibitionism/voyeurism, porn addiction, even pyromania, self-harm/body

Oh it's real. Ever met a male human?

By reading comments for something you haven't seen yet, you're "opting-in" to spoilers. The comments are for people who have seen it to talk about it. Articles/reviews are written by actual journalists. Journalists who know how to talk about a movie or tv show or whatever without spoiling it. Any idiot with internet

This is all good stuff. I have some thoughts, and I'm not sure if they support your theories or if they contradict them.
So we know, for a fact, that Elliot suffers from dissociative personality disorder (from Esmail).
We also know that Elliot suffers from other neuroses as well.
We know, for a fact, that the show

I'd forgotten about the money/gold standard line.
Gonna have to re-read Vonnegut's "Galapagos"

I am 100% cognizant of the fact that few people will read this, and even fewer will care about what I'm about to say.
One reason I love this show is that it portrays people with deep, serious mental issues as functional and productive. We hear all the time about how mental problems are the root of homelessness,

Yes we definitely know it's Darlene. In the Luke & Leia scene, Elliot refers to the fact that he should have known that was his sister because she used to ride her scooter in front of the house singing :"Frere Jacques." And that she tried to run away in the third grade.
I should point out too that Darlene never

Also, Scott Knowles tells Tyrell "You're number five"
When Darlene comes to Elliot's she also knocks 20 times, but it's 4 rounds of 5 knocks each

Lol. Well, the cure for the self image thing is over at Reddit. Five minutes there makes me feel like the smartest man on the internet.The "it's a tesseract" quote is from "The Cube 2: Hypercube." My friend got me to watch it 15 years ago and ever since, when we see something inexplicable, or when somebody is acting

Lol that would be the worst pick-up line ever:
"Hey good-lookin…. I'm as real as the beef in your pussy…"

Somebody else thought he said "Big Mac." I'm inclined to agree.
The line was something like "as real as the beef in your _____" Now, "pussy" would be a hilarious thing to say here, but "Big Mac" is more in line with the MR flow.
In fact, if it is indeed "Big Mac," did McDonald's make them bleep it? Or is it a stab at

Lol thanks! It was certainly an odd choice for my pre-school to show us…. On one of those old school reel to reel projectors too. And they showed it all the time.
I was always like "where is that kid's mom?"

Ok I remember now. And I guess it's his encounter with Cisco that he's trying to tell Angela about on the phone in ballet class. I wonder what significance there is to Elliot telling Joanna his name is Ollie.
And in episode 9, Elliot lays it out for us: he used AirDream to destroy the redundant backups, but Darlene

Not to mention using Krista as a "safety girl."

I totally forgot that one of the last times we see Tyrell, he's requesting a ticket to the server farm.
Is it Dallas or Dulles, btw? I hear "Dallas" but my captions say "Dulles."
Also, when Elliot is talking to Joanna, he says Tyrell wanted his advice on the big hack. But the hack happened 3 or 4 days ago. Elliot told