Joel Hurst

This is hilarious (the comments are; I didn't watch the video): https://www.youtube.com/all…
Note that the comments are from 7 years ago! Apparently Rami's twin brother is a middle school teacher. They were raised Christian, according to Rami's web site. They speak Arabic though.
Muslims on the show include Esmail,

I"m wondering now if having the same genetics and upbringing could mean both Elliot and Darlene have versions of dissociative personality disorder. Or that they're twins.
Many of the points raised in this thread point towards that possibility.
Also, the cryptic "you're family" line
And Angela's dad referring to not

Fuck that fucking red balloon. I hated that movie. Of course, I was five when I saw it.

It's a tesseract.

lol that title was so random, I had to wonder how you came up with it. My theory is that you were in your office or living room and just looked around and constructed a title based on what you saw.
"Crawling Bears Laughing at Hormel's Spiced Chicken in Candle Factories" = your infant wearing its Winnie the Pooh onesie

Good point about Darlene's 256 bit encryption…. What was she encrypting?
And what was up with the drives Ollie pulled rank on Elliot about?
And why did they HAVE to go to Blank's, at a certain time? Yes, WE know that it was part of White Rose's plan, but what does Ollie have to do with anything?
Are we to understand

Sex and violence are the lowest common denominators of popular cinema (I consider MR cinematic). I'm 66% in agreement with you re the suicide thing. I'm not convinced it was necessary to show it like that. But it doesn't bother me.
I disagree re Vera. Violence-wise, yeah. probably gratuitous to kill Isaac and Shayla.

Also the ball-gag scene.
What did Tyrell say in Ep 1 (or 2, maybe)?
"I AM us"

In my re-watch, I paid attention to the eyes….. Seems like everyone has blue or green eyes. I'm sticking with Darlene though.

What is "SI?"

I could have done without the "free the puppies" scene. How is it humane to release them to fend for themselves in NYC? I think it was meant to (a) give some depth to Trenton, who never has enough screen time, and (b) to support the growing implication that fsociety doesn't think things all the way through. Or that

You lost me at FUTUREOCEAN, but you totally stuck the landing with the "love" bit. Good shit, f'reals.
No dickishness taken, btw :)

I'd watch that.

I read somewhere a while back that Esmail is first generation here. Born in NJ, I think, to Muslim parents.
To be clear, my thoughts weeks ago were based on not-yet-fully-developed characters and arcs. I do believe that in every work of art, there is a bit of the artist. I don't know enough about Esmail to really

God dammit I can't think of a single "she smells Elliot's chum" joke….

I feel like Angela's decision was 51% pragmatism (addressing her and her dad's debts) and 49% principle (changing from within the company that killed her mom and plunged the family into debt). Only a 2% difference, but huge.

Hey, I'M not the one on the cover of Playboy. (yet)

I got "in trouble" for that a few weeks ago, here.
Years ago, when I had time to read books, I got into the Star Wars novels. Something that stuck with me was the thread in some of them about Grand Moff Tarkin (I think?) being able to conquer whole systems simply by analyzing their art. Somehow he could expose their

I always saw those as the same thing as Elliot's e-Corp/Evil Corp thing. Like, he saw all graf as supportive of fsociety