Joel Hurst

Lol yes! Understanding, even a tiny bit, about staging, framing, etc adds a new depth of appreciation for great movies. Unfortunately, it makes it harder (for me) to enjoy movies that don't execute these things well.

Meh… Ties are just incredibly versatile, and far more comfortable than rope around one's wrists. In the corporate world, ties are status symbols, kind of. And with the right tone of voice, "Great tie! Brioni, right?" can mean either "Great tie! I can get Great Ties like that at Brioni? Sweet!" or the more passive

….quoth the raven…

Incredible article on framing, mise en scene, and camera angles. It only talks about these things in terms of Kubrick movies, but the principles are universal (even in real estate)

Haven't seen it, so clearly I'm thinking of a different song….

1,124 days (in a row!) for me…
Yes that was a hard episode to watch. Though not as hard as watching Elliot berate that tour guide guy at Iron, I mean Steel, Mountain.

see above

From the beginning of last week's recap, it's roughly 10 minutes in (I use p2p so that doesn't account for commercials if you dvr'ed it). It's the flashback scene just after Gideon tries to give him some bereavement time. He's on the 2600 website.

In terms of Analytical Psychology, there are a few parallels between Hannibal and Mr Robot…

Thank you.

The only tv I've ever seen that tops Mr. Robot's pilot episode is the 4th episode of the first season of True Detective (it's the one with the 6+ minute single take of Rust Cohle and the biker gang shooting it out with the black gang)

lol I left out the part where I can't stop watching it! But really I've been watching a lot of Sunita Mani's work on Youtube, and she is really REALLY funny. Definitely an odd casting choice for MR, but she's perfect. She even prays correctly (as a Muslima), even though she's of South Indian descent (read, Hindu).

Interesting. Thanks! :)
What about "Guest Starring" credits? Didn't the Isaac actor get a "Guest Starring" billing? No way is he a bigger draw than Michele Hicks

Vera is certainly no idiot. Naive? Yes. Manipulative? Of course. Mentally ill? Most likely. Bound to be recaptured? Hopefully. (Escaped murderous drug dealers don't usually get very far). Hurt/broken? Yep, probably just like Elliot.
The two aren't very different from each other; in fact Vera could be considered

I wonder if the China Steel Mountain was on the same redundancy-project timetable as New York….Or if they were even /doing/ a redundancy thing…. I'd love to see fSociety's project come to fruition, but I doubt that's where the story is goiing.

I'm not up on my Hollywood Law or SAG rules, but I know that credits, both opening and closing are heavily and strictly regulated. I think ANY screen time has to acknowledged. This doesn't apply to extras or cameos; I think actors can opt out of being credited. But I'm sure there are people here that are far more

He killed her by opening the trunk. Good analogy to Schrodinger, considering Elliot DID kill her by violating another "sacred pact" and turning Vera in.
It's not a direct corollary, but this reminds me of the icepick scene in Hannibal a couple of episodes back. (probably because I only watch three shows)

Ok so I'm figuring Ep 6 is taking place on the 31st, with the Steel Mountain data duplication thing slated to go down on the 1st. (I'm going off memory here, but that's April 1st, right? April Fool's Day?)
So they still have time to execute their hvac hack, right? And maybe time enough to get the Dark Army to come

What was it that the Dark Army was supposed to do? Was there a redundant Steel Mountain in China or something?

She was in the episode 5 recap….
Michele Hicks trivia:
She was the hot casting assistant in Mulholland Drive
She's married to the second-best Sherlock (Johnny Lee Miller)