
There is guilt but it is all on the shoulders of Howard and Jimmy. Howard will get over it. Jimmy won't and will take Chuck's final advice (no regrets) to heart and become Saul.

I will bet dollar to donuts that he left nothing to Jimmy. Chuck if I had to guess left it to his ex-wife, the firm (whom he loves more then anything else), and a few charities perhaps a scholarship fund for hard working poor kids to go to law school. Chuck will stiff his brother whom he blames for everything.

And the outtakes too. Jimmy had to go through a few pies remember.

I took it the opposite way. Chuck's condition in his mind was caused by Jimmy whom he secretly blames for his wife leaving him. Is it true? No but Chuck blames Jimmy for everything.

Yep and the cast almost got its butts kicked at a frat party during filming.

And you see just as the scene cuts and he drops the items, Stephen was about to laugh. Truly a great scene.

"What's my Delta Tau Chi Name?"

"I can't believe I threw up in front of Dean Wormer".

Agree on all fronts.

Very typical for a reviewer in 2017. Most are ignorant haters or obnoxious fanboys/girls.

Those forrest scenes had me on the edge of my seat. And I know Nikki is a sociopath white trailer park trash but I am smitten. I hope she gets a happy ending.

They are already multiple invrstigations going on. Mueller has power to look into EVERYTHING. And again despite a lot of smoke there is no fire yet. And yet again McCain as spoken out several times against Trump.

He didn't vote for Trump despite being the GOP nominee. God you hard leftists are just as short on facts and reality then the hard right morons LMFAO!!

The investigation as started fool and in this country you are innocent until proven guilty. Those idiots in the Democrat party who jump the gun on impeachment talk were absolutely smacked down by the party leadership since even Trump has the right to due process. Right now there is a ton of smoke but no fire yet. Let

You kidding me? McCain wants to be the one that slaps the handcuffs on. He cannot stand Trump especially after calling John a "loser" for being a POW. He will be one of the first at the door ready to lock Trump up. I honestly think the GOP will crumble pretty quick if a "smoking gun" is found on Donald. Trump as no

Get ready to petition the FCC. It is getting terrible reviews overall. This is one of the few that has a good one.


You really don't know the history of the presidency then. We had a lot worst characters and were "immature" then Trump. I honestly worry about his ability to do the job, not his temperament. His tempermament has been overplayed on his New York City rat persona which really isn't who he is in private. Even Democrats

They laugh in your face.

I don't know what episodes you been watching Dan, I thought it was very funny. Not as funny as last season which was one of their best seasons ever but funny and unlike many of it's wanna be counterparts, made great points while holding no punches on either side. The ending was absolute gold! The only "tiny" problem