
Agree with you entirely on the ridiculously persistent shuffling of her child. It's one of the only things that irks me each episode. I love Homeland, as well, and am hoping that the reappearance of Astrid means good things are coming for Peter Quinn. Saul and Dar's relationship has always been fascinating; worthy

Plantars warts are HIGHLY contagious. Jenn suggested that he put his feet in the hot water, but weirdo Max should've said, "I would, but I have Plantars Warts, and I don't want to risk anyone else getting them." For a double sting ray hit, medical should have been called.

Agreed - Rodney is gross! Yuck! From the Julius Cesar bangs, to the steroidy, bulgy muscles to the hideous tats, and includng the fact that he's a misogynistic moron, Rodney is ….EEEEWWWWWW!

Thank God there's one person out there who thinks as I do! I thought Spencer was awful and I've never understood all the accolades.

That's an excellent point, and one I agree with. I find her to be extremely annoying, and though not as smug as Max, equally irritating. I heard Stephen Fishbach say in an interview that, at camp, everyone is annoying, so it seems that your point gets right to the heart of it. If even the most innocuous seeming

That's assumimg she notices ! Haha! I'm interested in her response, as well. Obviously, she'll be clued in somewhat, due to Max's vote out, but I'm curious to see if she'll really get the rest of the tribes irritation with her, or whether they'll sell it to her that Max was such a threat and therefore had to be

Yes, but remember Shirin's performance on the first puzzle challenge? Not only could she not seem to figure out the puzzle, she didn't even get all of the 50 pieces turned over. Complete and total panic. She's awfully smug acting, under the "I'm such a quirky, friendly different person!" act. I'm thinking some of