
But eventually someone else would go through. It's the logistical paradox that arises from the concept of time travel. As soon as time travel is discovered, there is an infinite time after to travel back and forth, and thus, there would be an infinite number of people here.

I enjoyed most of the finale but a few things bothered be (albeit not really plot related).

While I understand the happiness it will bring you, I'm not sure what your wife leaving for 3 days gets you. I mean, if you ate it for 3 days and died the night before, then sure. But dying right away and then her not finding you for 3 days seems like a waste of an exclamation mark. Unless you hate your wife and

At risk of my mom killing me, I don't think he was being anti-semetic (and I'm 100% Jewish). I think he was trying to be over the top sensational and a provocateur, but not anti-Semitic. Now, maybe he is and he is doing a good job of towing the line (or was til he was dropped) but I was expecting a lot worse given

And perfect haircuts too. They must be a part of the Roller Walker Hockey team.

Honestly, if anyone even cards anymore, I think it's Michonne. All that talk about being nice to your loved ones this may be the last day yadda yadda yadda.

Not sure why Arya would lie to Jaqen when she knows he has the ability to spy at her at any time. Seriously, he could have been anyone in the brothel.

At this point in Theon's life, is it worth living? At what point is he going to consider redemption and death? It probably would have happened already. In addition, he should have just told her he didn't kill her brothers. I'm still an a-hole, but not that big of an a-hole to you. Lastly, given the world that

The smartest thing they could do with this show is double cross us all. Make us think this is a lead up to Breaking Bad, but pull the old switcheroo at the end and make him end up as honorable Jimmy McGill.

Look people, it's not gay if you are in a zombie apocalypse. It's just surviving…

Maybe I am looking to into it, but I felt there was an allegory, or hint to the old testament and the 10 plagues of Egypt. This all felt very biblical to me.