Jealous Cactus

I guess competing against 500 different talk shows that air at the same time kinda hurts ratings.

I will be very cool.



Better Call Bail

Perfect Day by Lou Reed in Trainspotting for me.

Hey, the articles are usually pretty good!

I could totally see his character in Gran Torino supporting Trump.


Oh they have. They are saying that he technically answered more questions than Obama, and that he would have gotten more upvotes but the admins are taking them away somehow.

The captain will be named Lockeout and he will be irresistible to Orion women and Kirk remarks about how awesome he is.

My review of Don't Think Twice: It's alright.

I hope there is a weird out of place dance scene.

Maron and the Fatman, coming this Fall season on CBS.

All the people who were cock sure that this movie would be terrible because it stars FEEEEEEEEEEEEEMAAAAAAAAAAALES are probably having an aneurysm right now.

When I heard that Chris Evans was the new host of Top Gear, I assumed it was the actor of Snowpiercer and Captain America fame. I read headlines saying everyone hated Chris Evans, but I found that hard to believe because he seems like such a great guy. In hindsight I guess it makes no sense that he would host a

I was hoping it was getting the original series. A bit disappointed.

It should open with All Star by Smash Mouth instead.

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