Jealous Cactus

It will be dignified as usual

The only answer is Thomas Whitmore.

I think Warren will end up on some deserted island and end up forgotten, like Homer's brother Herb.

I love Phoenix, but seriously Hollywood, is it too much to ask for a Jesus who is not white?

And their stellar cover of "I'm a Believer"

We're going to build a space wall, and Palaven is going to pay for it!

It was truly meant to be a quadrilogy

Please oh please tell me there will be high quality versions released. I'd buy a blu ray to see them.

Troy and Abed are Dead

When I was about 5 years old, I was dancing to Happy Happy Joy Joy, and I hit my head against the wall and needed stitches.

A Street Called a Tribe Called Quest Blvd.

Mel Gibson as Max in Mad Max: Fury Road.

I really hope Miles Ahead turns out to be more than a by the numbers biopic.

Chill out!

Ha ha! Marvelous!

He is also a big fan of classic anime. His favorite series is Knights of the Zodiac.

I miss Joel Schumacher. There, I said it. At least his movies were fun, even if the fun came from making fun of them.

I like John Hodgman's description of the movie "Everything is sexy and disformed at the same time."

If Idris Elba is the companion, then Bendytoots Cabbagepatch must be the new Doctor because by British law they must be in every movie and TV show.

Hugh Laurie as the Doctor and Stephen Fry as his companion, or vice versa. That would be amazing.