Jealous Cactus

I think Kristen Chenoweth would make an excellent Harley

I called it. No scientist would have a mullet.

"Over The Garden Wall is not only the first animated miniseries for Cartoon Network, but it might be the first kids animated TV miniseries ever. "
Ahem, the first Clone Wars series.

Well I was hoping it would be called Salacious Crumb's Revenge, I am a bit disappointed

"I've been flying spaceships long before I got paid to do it."

I wish you asked if he ever plans on being a musician again rather than a novelty act

Aubrey really deserves a better role than this.

As long as he has the cartoonish accent of the animated series from the 90s, I will watch it day one

Thank you very much

There needs to be a site that lets you know if certain movies are in different Netflix regions so Hola users do not have to go through every country hoping to find a certain movie.

But when will we finally get the Asbestos Man movie that we have all been waiting for?

If he is cast, the spells should be the various joke names that people give him on the internet such as Bandicoot Cabbagepatch, Brandersnatch Cumberbund, or Bendytoots Krabbypatty

And I thought the end fight scenes in Revenge of the Sith were a bit overboard.

Grade school must have been awful for Imogen Poots.

It's like the show just vomited in it's own mouth and NBC refused to tip if over on it's stomach causing it to suffocate.

So, Snow Crash?

I kinda wanna see it just because it seems that movies that expose real corruption are hardly ever made, and I feel by supporting it more will be made.

It's hard to believe someone that young could have risen to the rank of CEO.

As long as Leonard is still a main character, I will continue to watch.

I'd love to see Ken Burns do a series on the history of labor in America