
This is a bad decision and the Netflix execs involved should feel bad.

Now I just feel sorry for you. Not, you know, a lot, but you get a little bit of that pity I reserve for people who suck on purpose.

But the invasion of privacy doesn't happen without the desire to body shame. Yeah, she can body shame without the criminal act. Do you really see the criminal act happening without the desire to body shame? They're linked. Understanding the motive for crimes is important.

Her desire to body shame was her motivation to commit the criminal act. One would not have happened without the other. They are not discrete actions.

Body shaming is not a problem that should be addressed through the criminal justice system, but it's still a problem.

I have no problem with her appearance and every problem with her taking nude pictures of another person without that person's permission or awareness.

The Venn diagram of people who whine about safe spaces on college campuses but who are also so traumatized by the sight of a burning American flag that they'd advocate for making the whole country into their own personal safe space by criminalizing free speech isn't a single circle… but the area of intersection is

Mr. Peanutbutter > whatever Adam Carolla is doing

In college took a combination religious & women's studies class taught by a woman who spent time living among the Sande in Sierra Leone. One of the sections included a video of the Sande initiation rites which involve infibulation, one of the more extreme forms of FGM. There was a warning about the graphic nature of

I was hoping someone would mention that PFT video. I thought it was a great take on the subject. Like Tompkins said, people used to think minstrel shows and blackface were hilarious. Comedians having to adapt to social changes is nothing new, and it isn't going to destroy the art form. If anything, it's going to make

Is this the standard issue reefer they give to all leftists, or did someone bring something special to this thread? I have some extra weed that I got as an abortion punch card reward that I can contribute if it's a thread-specific thing.

Your fortitude is impressive. I am impressed.

Guys, don't bother arguing with the Breitbart racists. You're better off asking the AV Club to enforce the comment policies described on the About page. This whole garbage fire just needs to be shut down and deleted.

I'm glad you're feeling better. I hope that trend continues.

American men and women attempt suicide at similar rates, but men are much, MUCH more likely to die.

I really hate the characterization of suicide as selfish. Suicide is harmful to the people in your life. However, as you said, depression really fucks up a person's thinking, so I don't think "selfish" is the right word.

The dog bowl scene in Audition made me throw up.

I love Vicki.

Dorian coconut stout is pretty great, but porters/stouts are the only style that I can imagine where that combo would work. A cream ale with coconut sounds pretty gross.

IPA as a style has a well deserved place among beers. The fad of stacking tap lists with all IPAs or thinking that blowing out a person's palate with hops is the same thing as making a good IPA is what needs to go away.